Medicine balls are a very useful and all too often overlooked gym accessory. Using effective medicine ball workouts can complement a weight training and cardio training regimen. They can be great for developing explosive movements, strength, conditioning, core development and can be a useful alternative to monotonous cardio.

Some medicine ball work will ideally be done with a partner, but there are a number of exercises that are great to perform on your own. Remember, balls are weighted so they need to be handled with good form to prevent injury.
How heavy a weight ball will depend on what you can comfortably manage for each exercise. Maybe start with a 1-2 kg ball and work up to see how you get on. Don’t use a ball that’s too heavy so as to compromise form.
Here are just a few medicine ball exercise, some to perform with a partner and some on your own.
Medicine Ball Exercises with a Partner
Standing torso twists
- Stand back-to-back approx 1 meter apart, and feet shoulder width apart
- Keep hips facing forward and knees slightly bent
- Pass the ball to each other by only twisting the torso in a circuit fashion
- Try for two sets of ten repetitions, one set clockwise, one set anti-clockwise
Vertical Extensions
- Stand back-to-back approx ½ meter apart, and feet shoulder width apart
- Pass ball to your partner overhead
- Partner returns ball to you through the knees
- Two sets of ten repetitions, one set you lead overhead; second set your partner leads overhead
Crunch ball passes
- Lie on floor with knees together but bent
- Partner stands over you in front of your knees
- Hold ball in hands with arms behind your head, elbows slightly bent
- Crunch up and pass ball to you partner
- Descend with no ball, crunch up to retrieve ball from your partner then descend with ball
- Repeat 10 times
- Try for two to three sets
Medicine Ball Exercises you can do on your Own
Lying arm and leg raises
- Lie flat on the floor with feet together
- Hold ball in hands with arms outstretched behind head
- Raise legs and arms simultaneously
- Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Abdominal ball curl
- Sitting on floor up slightly with back at approx. 45°, resting on your hands
- Knees bent
- Ball is held by the knees
- Draw knees up to the chest
- Return to the starting position
- Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions
Lying side bends
- Lie on floor with knees together but bent
- Hold ball in hands with arms outstretched
- Keep shoulders flat on floor and find a point on the ceiling to focus on
- Move arms from left to right keeping shoulders and head flat
- Ball should be about 12 inches from the floor on each side
- Aim for 3 sets of 20-30 repetitions
Throwing crunches
- Lie on the floor with feet together (maybe crossed) and legs stretched upwards so feet are in the air
- Hold ball in hands against chest
- Crunch up whilst simultaneously reaching out so ball touches feet
- Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
If you are looking to buy one then check out our medicine ball reviews.